Denmark’s gambling authority, Spillemyndigheden, has underlined licenced incumbents of their duties to report potential AML activities to FIU – Denmark’s Money Laundering Secretariat.

The warning comes as FIU updates its ‘list of AML indicators’ that are required to be reported on by Danish licenced/registered businesses working within high-risk compliance sectors such as banking, trading, insurance and gambling.

Denmark’s reformed 2018 Gambling Act requires licenced operators to report suspicious AML transactions and infringements to FIU, boosting the country in safeguarding its financial networks observed under the Anti-Money Laundering Act.

FIU serves as the Danish government’s public prosecutor for economic crimes at a domestic and international level.

“The enterprises or persons subject to a reporting duty must send a report if they cannot dismiss a suspecion of money laundering or financing of terrorism,” – Spillemyndigheden stated.

A further notice, issued this September, Spillemyndigheden warned licence holders of their obligations to ensure that employees are aware of the ‘anonymous whistle-blower scheme’ made available to report AML infringements.

Operated independently, the whistle-blower scheme must be maintained by high risk businesses as a duty observing the rules of Denmark’s Anti-Money Laundering Act.