Santander backs battle against COVID-19 with Overcome Together launch

Santander sign on a branch.
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Banco Santander has announced the launch of “Overcome Together”, an open and accessible space for individuals and companies, which contains information and resources to help support the fight against coronavirus (COVID-19).

This resource center can be accessed by anyone and is adapted to local needs with country-specific websites. The sites will provide information from official sources and digital resources focused and updated to address the most critical local needs. It is already available in Spain, Portugal and Mexico, and will very soon be available in other European and American countries.

Issuing its company update, the bank stated: “This initiative is part of Banco Santander’s global aid programme, called Santander All. Together. Now, which includes a fund of at least EUR 25 million for medical equipment and supplies, open to donations for the general public; liquidity facilities for businesses, and payment holidays to lessen the economic impact of the coronavirus.

“The new space is accessible at and includes a section with official information from governments and assistance programmes for households (e.g. help with rent, official health information, leisure and sports alternatives), businesses and self-employed professionals.”

The space provides a ‘how can we help section’, which provides users with a directory and a range of volunteering opportunities, with links to official platforms where people can collaborate or make donations.

In the ‘Life at home’ section, there are ideas for learning something new each day, entertainment and resources for the family (activities with children, cooking), as well as tips and collaborative tools to support teleworking. ‘Health and wellbeing’ provides links to official online diagnostic tests, recommendations for exercising at home and links to meditation and relaxation apps and professional healthcare services.

“Overcome Together” also includes a map with the closest healthcare facilities, pharmacies, supermarkets and bank branches or ATMs from any bank.